Pediatric Associates of the North Shore
The state of healthcare in America is constantly changing. From the complexity of the health insurance landscape to the increase in minute clinics and urgent cares, we’ve not only shifted from preventative treatment to reactive solutions, but care has become more corporatized. And for PANS, an independent pediatric practice that’s been a part of the community for 60+ years, they suddenly found themselves in the midst of a growing and competitive landscape with several large health systems moving into the neighborhood. The sheer size of these institutions made visibility for our client very challenging.
In addition, the convenience provided through the large institutions’ 24-hour Urgent Care access was beginning to chip away at our client’s business. Families were finding it easier to take their children to Urgent Care rather than to the pediatrician that knows their family. The comprehensive set of services that PANS offers to support the overall health of each child were largely overlooked.
To elevate their visibility, PANS needed to reframe their role and reinforce the value they provide to their community and their families.
Our studio wanted to create a brand that inspired a new conversation on care—one focused on wellness—centered on the best interests of the child with an understanding of the family’s needs. We wanted to remind current PANS families of the value they received with each visit and highlight to new families a different way to support their child’s growth. We articulated this approach through a new brand platform, “Helping Families Thrive.”
As individuals who live in the community they serve, the PANS team truly cares for the health of their families and the broader community. Each visit with a patient delivers a thoughtful conversation about the issue at hand as well as the child’s broader health and wellbeing.
Through this platform and our bright, energetic visual approach, we could celebrate the bigger idea of wellbeing and create an environment where families are free to thrive and be all they can be.
“+Intention helped us clarify and articulate what is special about our practice. They helped us feel more confident that we have something of value to share.”
Dr. Shoshana Waskow, Pediatrician at PANS