Those who suffer from Nightmare Disorder lose far more than sleep. And for people whose Nightmare Disorder is associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the impact on their life can be devastating, resulting in a vicious cycle of unimaginable mental and physical exhaustion which can cause painful downward spiraling. Sadly, this condition is far too common with veterans and active duty military personnel.
It was the inspiration of one such veteran that led to the development of NightWare—the first of its kind, advanced digital therapeutic system specifically designed for the treatment of Nightmare Disorder and nightmares associated with PTSD. Awarded breakthrough status by the FDA, it makes use of a revolutionary, medical-grade app and Apple devices to dramatically reduce nightmares and restore sleep.
Coming off of a number of successful clinical trials, NightWare needed to build their brand and share their story with the military and medical community.
I realized the need to overcome existing stigmas observed within this audience surrounding PTSD and mental health. Critical to the success of the brand’s positioning would be the recontextualizing of attitudes toward the condition. The approach we developed focused on the need to restore order to and regain control of the situation—an idea that resonates with mission-driven, military personnel. We articulated this point of view through a new brand platform, “Take Sleep Back. Move Life Forward.”
I also understood the importance of positioning this product for an audience resistant to change, yet influenced by evidence-based information. As the first and only FDA-cleared, prescription digital therapeutic for Nightmare Disorder, we had to overcome prescribers’ initial doubt about this unfamiliar platform while conveying credibility for this new technology through the brand. In addition, we needed to ensure it would be well received by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and United States Department of Defense, as the product’s initial availability would be to veterans and active duty military personnel.
In creating the visual identity for their brand, we began by leveraging the color purple, as it connotes different, yet relevant concepts for military and civilian audiences. In the military world, purple symbolizes “joint,” meaning “all services,” symbolizing all branches of the military. It also represents great sacrifice and bravery, as embodied in the Purple Heart. In a civilian context, deep purple feels nocturnal and restful, attributes related to this product brand.
Additionally, we wanted to reflect the innovative nature of this therapeutic platform in the visual identity and allude to its functionality. Using the Apple Watch and its biometric sensors, NightWare’s AI identifies when patients are having a nightmare, subsequently delivering pulses and rapid vibrations through the watch to interrupt the nightmare without waking the patient. The idea of both a series of pulses, along with sleep wave patterns are expressed elegantly through the organization of circles in the brandmark.
My role: Account Services, Strategy, Creative Direction, Design, Copywriting
Thank you again, Terry, to you and your team. Your creative sensibilities and pragmatic approach to creating the new NightWare brand and website has been fantastic. We became a stronger brand and company today as a result of your great work.
Grady Hannah, CEO of NightWare
Terry’s team takes a more solutions-oriented approach. The creative work was more aligned to solving a problem. They framed out where we are now, where we want to be, and the solutions to get there.
Matt Tucker, Chief Technology Officer of NightWare
2022 Davey Awards_Silver Award
Brand Identity
2022 Creative Communication Award_Winner
Brand Identity
16th Annual IDA International Design Awards, 2022_Bronze
Multimedia, Brand Identity
Completed at +Intention
Creative Direction: Terry Lawrence
Design: Terry Lawrence, Percy Cooper
Copywriting: Terry Lawrence, Chris Schipke, Jed Weiner