Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund
Annual Report
Founded in 1964, Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. (ATG) is widely known as an advocate for lawyers and the clients they serve throughout Illinois, providing legal assistance with real estate transactions, including title insurance and related services. They asked us to design their annual report, describing their operations and financial conditions to shareholders.
Beyond presenting their financial information in the report, I wanted to convey the serious nature of the company’s business through the design. This was an organization with a rich history and a proven track record. My goal was to give a sense of ATG’s ability in the marketplace and loyalty to their customers.
I designed a report that borrowed from the form of a book, complete with classical typographic treatments to express the stature of the company. I focused on small refinements to illustrate ATG’s attention to detail with regard to the legal process of home and real estate transactions. The end result was a report that instilled confidence in the minds of the reader.
My role: Design
Completed at Tangent Design
Design: Terry Lawrence